Saturday, December 24, 2011

Heri ya Krismasi!

Merry Christmas from Tanzania!  I hope that everyone is enjoying a cozy and festive Christmas, wherever you may be!  My Charlie Brown Christmas tree is standing by my window.  Most Christmas trees in Tanzania are fake, and wanting a real Christmas tree, I harvested some branches from some nearby pine trees.  The long fragrant needles are adorned with Tanzania's finest colored, flashing and music-making lights.  My ears are grateful that the music can be turned off!

At the end of the school year in French class, students learned how to wish someone a Merry Christmas in French, and then made a French Christmas card for their family. We talked about different things they could draw - stars, angels, Christmas trees, Father Christmas and practiced saying Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année.  Enjoy their Christmas wishes.

By Peace and Justus, Standard 2

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