Sunday, February 19, 2012

Valentine's Day

This past week I have received many questions from friends and family at home as to whether Valentine's day exists in Tanzania.  Although it may not be the hallmark holiday of the United States with cards, chocolates and roses gallore, there is no doubt that it is a well loved holiday.  Dressing in red and black for the day, I found that  I was not alone.  Teacher Mary, Lucy, Laudia and Moreen were also dressed in red blouses and black skirts with red earrings and necklaces, and shoes too!  Teacher Lucy had a particularly stunning red t-shirt that had red buttons sown in the shape of a heart, with purple baubles radiating outwards.  If only I had the pizzazz to wear a top like it!  She looked fabulous.  Even Teacher Albogast and Kibogoyo came festively attired in red.
Although not quite as celebrated by the students, they also knew the 14th as a special day.  My standard 6 boys visited the day before to announce they would bring me a flower the next day.  One very bold boy said he would give me a flower right then and there, disappearing for a moment and reappearing the next to present me with a red flower.  He looked slightly embarrassed when all the boys acknowledged his gift with exclamations of "Yoooooo?!".  I think for many Tanzanians it is much celebrated by friends and a chance to enjoy each other's company on a sunny afternoon by the beach.  Many groups were eating and drinking sodas at the beach restaurants or lounging in the sand as the waves crashed rhythmically on the shore.  I hope your celebrations were equally fun and relaxing.

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