Sunday, November 6, 2011

Still Life Drawings

In the past few weeks standard IV has been focusing on still life drawings in Vocational Skills.  Much of the year has been spent encouraging pupils to give voice to their own creativity, building confidence to critique themselves and say what they like or want to change about their own work, and removing the idea that there is only one "right" answer to the assignment. 

With the still life drawings pupils were challenged to draw what they see instead of what they imagine.  They were asked to look for details and to notice how each object is unique and different from the adjacent object.  Next year, these skills will be essential in Science where they will be asked to keep a weekly observation journal of the environment around KEMPS - combining drawings and written descriptions of plants, animals and their interactions. 

In the first still life, pupils used only pencil, moving to colour in the second week.  The results were some spectacular, though unfinished drawings.  (Please excuse the grainy quality of the photos - they were edited to make the pencil more visible.)

By Augustino

By Edwin

By Avith

By Erick T

By Debora

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